elected and appointed officers of 2017 - 2018


Worthy Matron - Janace Hartman, PM

Worthy Patron - Jeff Carlton, PP

Associate Matron - Morgana Campbell

Associate Patron - Sam Eakin

Secretary - Yvette Stratton, PM - y_vetaut@yahoo.com

Treasurer - Teresa Fuller

Conductress  - Marie Rapoport, PM

Associate Conductress -  Deb Burrows

Chaplain - Jessica Rivera

Marshal - Theresa Winter

Organist - Gladys Burk

Adah - Moira Carlton, PM

Ruth - Molly Veile

Esther - Linda Hattrick, PGM

Martha - Geni Carr

Electa - Barb Frazey, PM

Warder - Barbara Brown, PM

Sentinel - Grant Viele, PP